|  | | Shit happens |
From Gerd Muesfeldt's Collection
|  | | Limited 3 LP Gold Vinyl Edition, only 500 pressings with individual number. |
My friend Gerd Muesfeldt sent me some pics from a Gold Vinyl 3 LP set that he
acquired for his collection. Limited Edition, only 500 pressings, released in the
Netherlands by Music On Vinyl, 22-09-2017.
I was very interested to read everything mentioned in this new collector item.
A good find for my "just for fun" pages " BEST ERRORS ".
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To me, BILL TIGHMAN is an unknown composer.
I only know Bill Tilghman.
A comment to the writing of my good friend Sonny West's name:
There are 2 different versions on this LP set, Sonny and Sunny . .
Sonny told me in a mail, that there were up to 3 versions on the discs.
On such a collectors item they should use only one of them !
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I'm not perfect at English, as I am German. Now I'm a little bit confused.
Have no idea what it means. Could it be a chartered plane ? ? ?
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One more mystery.
Another totally unknown composer, right ?
I know Neil Diamond, but not Neil Petty !
|  | | Keep searchin' |
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Here is a photo I found on a Spanish website. As far as i know, this very photo was coloured by my friend Peter F. Dunnet from the UK
for exclusive use on my Buddy Holly website only. What happened?
This is "error # 1" of this website from Spain, usually a good site !
(By the way, this photo appeared on books, CD's and and and !! )
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Here comes error # 2 !
Those, who made copies from the
internet, were not aware,
how our mutual Buddy looked like !
What a shame, RED CARD !
| Today I looked through my vinyl collection and decided to read the
booklet of a great record from John Beecher's Rollercoaster Records completely. The disc was released in 2011. | |
Chris Hopkins made a real fine job, hats off !
 | From my Buddy Holly Collection |
| Already at the beginning I was very surprised and read the first sentence
2 or 3 times. The year 1958 could not be true. 1959 would have been
right. John, let me tell you, something like this can happen. Sometimes you read something and think you read something else. It happened to
me several times. So now I have a collector's item with a little curiosity. | | |

| Since US President Trump reigned, the world has been talking about so-called
"alternative facts", a formulation from his staff that many equate with the word
Here is a good example that includes 2 problem cases:
The Crickets didn't move to New York, they stayed in Lubbock TX.
The rent for the apartment in New York was, according to my information,
350 US dollars per month. | | |

| Universal Music Special Products/Analogue Productions Hybrid SACD CAPP 107-109 5A USA 2107 (Disc Made In Austria).
Allegedly the the best sounding CD so far. Yes it sounds great, but for a Universal Special Product, just look who's pictured inside! | | |

|  | | BEETLES |
|  | | As usual : "RUNNING GAG" John Mueller instead of our mutual Buddy ! |
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Wrong year. It was 1959. |
|  | | As you can see, a lot of song titles don't match the artists.
 | Buddy's TOP SONGS ? ? ? |
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