|  | | Buddy Holly

Hi Hans!
We are the Hagens - Bud, Georgiana and Angela, from Ridley Park, PA USA.
Georgiana is Vi Petty's cousin and traveled and sang with the Norman Petty
Ensemble from March 1950 thru Nov. 1951.
Hope you will enjoy seeing these pictures!
The Hagens

Angela trying to pull a Bull in Amarillo, TX - (Home of the 72oz steak restaurant)
Other pictures are of the new Norman and Vi Petty Museum in Clovis . . .

Georgiana Hagen, Vi Petty's cousin.

Liz spotted us outside the Clovis News Journal.

Jay in Studio.

Dinner at Kelly's with Meda.

Breakfast at La Quinta.

Georgiana just had hair done.

Spent afternoon with Johnny Rogers (Buddy Holly impersonator)
Johnny Rogers

Another sneak preview of the Museum, while Georgiana gets interviewed, for
museum's film clips that will be shown in a small theater at the entrance.
