Dutch Buddy Holly fan Hans Wessels made his dream come true. In 2009 he
visited a lot of places with Buddy history. This is page # 9 of his great report.
Thanks for sharing, Hans !
Hans Wessels, Buddy Holly Fan von Anbeginn, hat seinen Traum wahrgemacht:
Eine Rundreise zu geschichtsträchtigen Orten zum Thema BUDDY HOLLY
Welcome to Lubbock
Radio Station KDAV - Lubbock Texas
September 1953
KDAV radio begins broadcasting what is considered the first all-country music format in the United States. The Sunday Party aired by Hipockets Duncan, a disc jockey and talent scout, gives local musicians an opportunity to perform live. Buddy teams with Jack Neal to form the duo Buddy and Jack, and their show is broadcast live from KDAV during The Sunday Party.
KDAV Radio Studios in Lubbock TX - Presently KRFE 580 AM
Die Radiostation KDAV in Lubbock Texas, jetzt heißt sie KRFE 580 AM. Hier hatte Buddy schon in jungen Jahren Radioshows.
Cotton Club - Outside Lubbock TX city limits - on Slaton Highway 84
Im Jahr 1955 sah Buddy Holly Elvis Presley bei dessen Auftritt im Cotton Club.
Ein richtungsweisendes Zusammentreffen für Buddy, der vom Country abließ
und sich mehr dem Rock 'n' Roll zuwandte.
COTTON CLUB OUTSIDE LUBBOCK TEXAS - Where Buddy Holly saw Elvis perform in 1955
February 13, 1955 :
Buddy and Bob open for Elvis at the Fair Park Coliseum
October 14, 1955 :
Buddy Holly, Bob Montgomery, and Larry Welborn perform in a show featuring Bill Haley and The Comets. Eddie Crandall, Nashville agent for Marty Robbins, watches their performance.
Fair Park Coliseum Lubbock Texas
October 15, 1955 :
Buddy, Bob Montgomery, and Larry Welborn open for Elvis at the Fair Park Coliseum
Hutchinson Junior High
J. T. HUTCHINSON Junior High School, Buddy's school
The school is part of the Historical Tour for Buddy Holly fans.
In 1949 Buddy met Bob Montgomery in Hutchinson Junior High School.
Later on they started their musical career as 'Buddy and Bob'.
Hutchinson Junior High School Lubbock Texas, 31st Street / Canton Avenue, Buddy Holly's Schule, in der er 1949 Bob Montgomery traf und mit ihm später das Duo "Buddy & Bob" gründete.
Hier machte Buddy Holly seinen Schulabschluss im Jahre 1955
Lubbock High School 2009
Buddy Holly graduated with the class of 1955.
Lubbock High School 2009 - Cupboard
Lubbock High School 2009, Cupboard
Lubbock High School 2009, Cupboard
Auditorium - Lubbock High School 2009
Lubbock High School 2009 - Auditorium - Die Schulaula
Lubbock High School 2009 - Locker - Die Schließfächer der Schüler
Lubbock High School 2009
Lubbock High School 2009
Lubbock High School 2009
Lubbock High School 2009
Hallway - Lubbock High School 2009 - Ein Schulflur
Used to be the Gym - Früher Turnhalle, jetzt Bücherei, Lubbock High School 2009
Lubbock High School 2009, Library - used to be the Gym
Buddy Holly Cupboard - Lubbock High School 2009
Lubbock High School 2009 - Buddy Holly Cupboard
Lubbock High School 2009
Eine Widmung an den berühmtesten Sohn der Stadt: BUDDY HOLLY
Buddy's Home 1957 - 1305 37th
1606 39th Street Lubbock TX: In this house Buddy married Maria Elena Santiago on the 15th of August, 1958
In diesem Haus heiratete Buddy Holly Maria Elena Santiago am 15. August 1958
Ein historischer und emotionaler Ort für die Fans. Für uns wohl ungewöhnlich, dass eine kirchliche Trauung in einem Privathaus stattfand.