Die Beatles waren glühende Verehrer von Buddy Holly und den Crickets. Ohne die Crickets hätte es nach ihrer Aussage keine Beatles gegeben. Ohne Buddy Holly hätte es John Lennon nie gewagt, mit Brille aufzutreten. Der erste Song überhaupt, den die Beatles aufnahmen (damals noch als "The Quarrymen"), war THAT'LL BE THE DAY. Was wundert es also, dass sie 1963 einen Brief an die Crickets schrieben.
Courtesy of Jerry Ivan Allison
One of the cover songs they recorded honoring Buddy Holly & The Crickets.
This is the reason that their first recording was "THAT'LL BE THE DAY"
by Buddy Holly & The Crickets.
They told journalists, that there wouldn't have been any BEATLES without
Buddy Holly and his music inspired the Beatles and their first 40 songs,
according to Paul McCartney.
In 1963 The Beatles wrote a letter to the Crickets.