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There’s one more brand new Buddy Holly LP in Ian’s
outstanding and wide spread collection:
Here’s the link to that very page (it’s new):
HANS, editor.
Admin - 10:03:47 @ What's New?
I sadly have to report the passing of Trevor Lailey.
Trevor passed away in hospital on February 27th 2025 after a short illness.
He, along with Ray Needham was co-founder of the original
British Buddy Holly Society which ran for many years.
He and Ray produced a magazine for Buddy fans throughout the World.
We owe him a lot for his tireless dedication to Buddy & his fans.
RIP Trevor
Ian Higham 8th March 2025
Photo: From the Hans collection
Admin - 14:01:14 @ What's New?
Ian has added another issue to his
outstanding Buddy Holly Collection.
Admin - 13:43:38 @ What's New?
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